
AI for Education

Bring home some of the greatest interactive learning tools for educators, students and institutions; driven by AI.

Helping Education

Education is the biggest lever to change the world. Significantly, tertiary education is at the forefront of research and innovation needed for the world's progress.
However, educational institutions around the world are grappling with increasing challenges. Public funding constraints, administrative burden, lower tertiary participation and achievements. These challenges are diverting focus from core teaching and research endeavors.
It's high time we helped education—let's do this.

Enhanced with AI

Having worked in the tertiary education sector, we understand and feel with you.
Here at Spark Study, we want to empower institutions like yours to focus on what you are best at - making lifelong impact through teaching and research excellence. Our software uses transformative artificial intelligence technology to streamline administrative tasks, assess, track and analyze student performance, while providing self-reliant campus support and non-academic pastoral care to maximize student learning experience.

Spark Study

Introducing Spark Study, derived from the latest version of our SparkSDK built by our R&D branch Spark Engine. Our toolkit is designed to enhance the educational experience through advanced AI solutions, making education more interactive and accessible.
  • Tutoring and Teaching Assistance – Empowers educators with AI-driven tools to personalize learning experiences and provides students with on-demand academic support.
  • Mental Health and Pastoral Care – Offers vital support for student well-being through AI-guided mental health resources and counseling services.
  • Campus Information and Support – Facilitates campus life with AI-enabled navigation, information dissemination, and administrative assistance.
Spark The Future


Spark Study is your partner in education. Transform your curriculum with interactive experiences and extensive customizations. Enhance teaching, and learning!
Instant Characters
Interactive characters can be made by teachers in under 10 seconds just by entering in what they want. Converse with historical figures, digital AI tutors, business advisors and anything else you can think of to help foster deeper understandings.
Digital Companions
Our most prized feature is our companions. Upload memories into a shareable chatbot using PDF, DOCX etc. or use our built-in text editor. Course schedules, rubrics and outlines, or even an entire textbook can now be queried by students instantly.
Language Customizations
Imagine getting a response from an AI character in 2 different languages at once, setting the political bias of the chatbot, making it more disagreeable and tuning its personality. Lead intriging debates, discussions and build new interactive assignments.
Assignments & Surveys
Through the power of conversational AI, our latest feature allows educators and faculty to create and share assignments and surveys conducted by the chatbot. Collect results and instantly assess which students are succeeding and where each might need to improve.

What your students think

84% of students think an AI chatbot loaded up with their course could benefit them.
74.8% of students think talking to digital versions of historical figures like Cleopatra and Einstein could be a good learning experience.
80.7% of students believe that AI could help to enhance their skills and learning.
Classroom Guidebook 1: Spark Study's Character Feature
Classroom Guidebook 1: Spark Study's Character Feature
Discover innovative ways to use Spark Study's character feature for interactive and immersive learning experiences in your classroom.
#Interactive Learning
Streamlining Education: Integrating Cloud Storage with Chatbots
Streamlining Education: Integrating Cloud Storage with Chatbots
Discover how leveraging cloud storage integrations like Google Drive with shareable chatbots can transform education.
#Cloud computing
UNESCO's Vision on AI in Education: Shaping the Future of Learning
UNESCO's Vision on AI in Education: Shaping the Future of Learning
Discover how UNESCO views the role of artificial intelligence in transforming education for a brighter, more inclusive future.

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